Why subscribe to ‘TheHartoftheMatter’?

The ‘HartoftheMatter’ website and newsletter is an ongoing profile of the remarkable life and times, the stories and handmade instruments, and the horse-friends and insights of Bill Hart. While he lives in the geographic heartland of West Virginia, he was born in Naples, Italy, and then …. Well, therein lies a tale. A bunch of them. The daily news is filled 24/7 with tales of awful people doing awful things. Here is an ongoing profile — told in photographs and audio, video and words — of a notable life, notably lived, hither and yon across the world, and, finally, deep within the folds of the Appalachian hills.

The journey of Bill Hart’s life would make a really good novel. That the tale of his days is all true, and that he continues to do world-class work while being a world-class human, in a region routinely characterized as the benighted, unwashed armpit of America, puts a lie to so many caricatures. They say this about non-natives who bring their life to a landing in West Virginia and who proceed to live a rich, fruitful life in its enfolding hills: ‘I got here as soon as I can.’

Here are some of the stories and some of the fruits of one such worthy life.

~ Douglas John Imbrogno, TheStoryIsTheThing.com

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Subscribe to TheHartoftheMatter

An ongoing profile of the remarkable life & times, the stories & handmade instruments & the horses & insights of Bill Hart, who lives in the geographic center of West Virginia, but who was born in Naples, Italy. And therein lies a tale. Many, actually.


Writer, editor, video feature producer, sometimes poet, itinerant musician & cat herder, trying to keep his cigar lit. Substack publications include TheStoryIsTheThing, TheHartoftheMatter, ChangingClimateTimes and WestVirginiaVille (on sorta hiatus).